

Language localization – cultural adaptation of a specific product to the peculiarities of a specific country, region or a group of population. ‘Product’ shall mean each shipment or service. This...

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Language localization – cultural adaptation of a specific product to the peculiarities of a specific country, region or a group of population. ‘Product’ shall mean each shipment or service. This localization is the second stage of the whole internationalization process and it envisages a thorough examination of the target culture necessary for the correct adaptation of the product to the needs of the different markets. All changes are made with the purpose of identifying the sensitive differences and avoidance of eventual conflicts with the local culture and population as well as penetration in the local market for adaptation to the specific needs.

Additional information

What is translation and localization?

This term is frequently considered as ‘an activity of high level’ but without its impact on the importance and complexity of the process as well as on everything it includes. Although sometimes it is difficult to identify the border between the translation and the place, the place is mainly used for non-textual components of goods and services. In addition to the text (that means that the questions for the grammar and orphography vary in dependence on the country and the places where one and the same language is used) the process may include adaptation of a graphical component, currency symbols, data formats, addresses and telephone numbers, colours selection and many other details including the revision of the physical structure of the item.

It is used for::

  • software;
  • video games;
  • web sites

How much will this service cost?

В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.

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How can we help you?

В агенцията имаме голям опит с преобразуването на различни видове дипломи, свидетелства за професионални квалификации,
материали от учебни заведения и образователни центрове и т.н.

Our services
This document is subject to translation into more than 27 languages
This document is subject to legalization
This document is subject to legalization with an apostille
This document is subject to editing by our translator
This document is subject to translation within 30 minutes
This document is subject to remote translation
This document is subject to legalization within 1 working day
This document is subject to delivery to your own address

Какви документи приемаме?

В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.

Why to trust us?

Our striving is to acquire new clients and making them permanent and loyal and this can happen only by providing services of good quality, individual approach and flexible price-formation. The fact that we've been on the market for more than 10 years and we are one of the most successful translation agencies means that we manage to meet the above-mentioned requirements so do not hesitate and contact us now!