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- Croatian language
Croatian language
The Croatian language falls into the Slavic languages in the Western sub-groups and it is spoken by a little more than 5 million people. It's an official language in Croatia,...
Croatian language
We provide translations of different types of specialized documents - legal, technical, articles of incorporation, judicial certificates, pharmaceutical documents, etc. Except for this we will translate for you different types of general text materials like birth certificates, emails, etc.
We work with all volumes of texts: from one page to whole books. We guarantee short terms of execution. The great experience of the agency along with the established techniques, special software instruments and the completely optimized process allow us to guarantee flexibility according to the individual needs of each client and at the same time accuracy of the execution.
What distinguishes us?
We provide translations of different types of specialized documents - legal, technical, articles of incorporation, judicial certificates, pharmaceutical documents, etc. Except for this we will translate for you different types of general text materials like birth certificates, emails, etc.
We work with all volumes of texts: from one page to whole books. We guarantee short terms of execution. The great experience of the agency along with the established techniques, special software instruments and the completely optimized process allow us to guarantee flexibility according to the individual needs of each client and at the same time accuracy of the execution.
Цени и срокове
В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.
Translated language | Translate to | Type of order | Terms of completion | Standard translation | Specific translation |
* Цената за превод се изчислява на основание на преведения текст, а не на основание на текста-първоизточник. 1 преводаческа страница е равна на 1800 знака с шпации (по БДС) или на 1500 знака без шпации (според ЕС стандартите).
* При строго техническа, правна и специфична терминология, е възможно оскъпяване с до 50% от посочените цени.
* Посочените цени са в Български лев без ДДС.
Croatian language
The Croarian language belongs to the Slavic languages in the Western sub-groups and it is spoken by a little more than 6 million people. It is widely spread in Europe and is recognized as an official language of the national minorities in countries like Italy, Romania, Monte Negro, Austria. Except in these countries it is an official laguage in some municipalities of Burgenland. It has a local statute in Serbia. It is an official language both in the local Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Gaj's alhpabet is established based on the Czech alphabet and it consists of three dialects.