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- Езици
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- Hindi
Hindi is a language spread in India and it is spoken in most of the North and Central regions of India.
The selection of employees in the company is very strict and the candidates should have the respective education, diplomas, qualifications, etc.Taking into consideration the above-mentioned you can be absolutely sure that we are going to provide you with a good translation regardless of its complexity. With a view to the fact that a lot of corporate clients ask for our services we created several types of orders, according to your needs.
What are we distinguished with?
The selection of employees in the company is very strict and the candidates should have the respective education, diplomas, qualifications, etc.Taking into consideration the above-mentioned you can be absolutely sure that we are going to provide you with a good translation regardless of its complexity. With a view to the fact that a lot of corporate clients ask for our services we created several types of orders, according to your needs.
Цени и срокове
В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.
Translated language | Translate to | Type of order | Terms of completion | Standard translation | Specific translation |
* Цената за превод се изчислява на основание на преведения текст, а не на основание на текста-първоизточник. 1 преводаческа страница е равна на 1800 знака с шпации (по БДС) или на 1500 знака без шпации (според ЕС стандартите).
* При строго техническа, правна и специфична терминология, е възможно оскъпяване с до 50% от посочените цени.
* Посочените цени са в Български лев без ДДС.
Hindi is a Indo-Aryan language, spoken by about 480 000 000 people in India and other countries. On 26 January 1965 in Chapter 343 of the Constitution of India Hindi with its Devanagari writing is pronounced as a state (official) language of the country. Hindi belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family. It is a product of the continuous historic development of the ancient Indian period until today.