
French language

French language is one of the most common Roman languages. It's an official language in Belgium, Canada, Switzerland and Luxembourg. It is also widely spread in the Middle East and...

Our advantages

French language

Many people who have required quick translations of good quality from and to French have assigned the translations to Agencies who perform in a fast way but of poor quality. In Intellect Agency we have hired the best professionals, respecting their reputation and by providing the service they rely only on their knowledge and experience so we encourage you to work with specialists who can provide good result.

With a view to the above-mentioned we can guarantee at 100% that we will provide you with services of good quality and on time. Contact us right now and our assistants will be glad to consult you for free. We are looking forward to working with you!

СAlso, as with the other languages, we constantly work with personal data of the citizens. Very often the translation is from and to Bulgarian/French.

Our advantages

What distinguishes us?

Many people who have required quick translations of good quality from and to French have assigned the translations to Agencies who perform in a fast way but of poor quality. In Intellect Agency we have hired the best professionals, respecting their reputation and by providing the service they rely only on their knowledge and experience so we encourage you to work with specialists who can provide good result.

With a view to the above-mentioned we can guarantee at 100% that we will provide you with services of good quality and on time. Contact us right now and our assistants will be glad to consult you for free. We are looking forward to working with you!

СAlso, as with the other languages, we constantly work with personal data of the citizens. Very often the translation is from and to Bulgarian/French.

Цени и срокове

В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.

Translated language Translate to Type of order Terms of completion Standard translation Specific translation

* Цената за превод се изчислява на основание на преведения текст, а не на основание на текста-първоизточник. 1 преводаческа страница е равна на 1800 знака с шпации (по БДС) или на 1500 знака без шпации (според ЕС стандартите).

* При строго техническа, правна и специфична терминология, е възможно оскъпяване с до 50% от посочените цени.

* Посочените цени са в Български лев без ДДС.

Why should you work with us?

In our agency the graduated experts in specific areas do translations or editing from and to Bulgarian/French, taking into account all stylistic peculiarities. The nature of the translated documentation is various. We very often work with land and real estate sales and purchase contracts.

Except that we use famous software platforms for the translation of texts as Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe Page Maker and other programs, we take advantage of special field applications like SDL Trados, Trados Translator's Workbench и Trados MultiTerm, Wordfast, thus making a database of terms. With a view to the above-mentioned we can guarantee at 100% that we will accomplish our assignment in good quality and on time. Contact us right now and our assistants will be glad to provide you free consultation. We are looking forward to working with you!