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- Езици
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- Swedish
Swedish language is spoken by close to nine million people. In Finland it is the second official language and is studied at school, along with Finnish.
It falls into the group...
Depending on the different occupation of our clients and in order to be more flexible in the price formation we created several types of orders, according to our client's needs so the busier ones can order a faster provision of the service and the ones who are not in a hurry can save from the price of the order.
The recruitment of only qualified personnel with the relevant education in specific area, the constant improvement of our terminological vocabulary and the use of innovative web-based instruments allows us to provide professional translations from Swedish to Bulgarian and vice versa, regardless of the complexity of content.
As you can see we have quite a solid experience in this area and you can trust us and assign your project and you will be surprised with the quality and observation of the stipulated term. So do not hesitate any longer and contact our operators who will be happy to assist you.
What distinguishes us?
Depending on the different occupation of our clients and in order to be more flexible in the price formation we created several types of orders, according to our client's needs so the busier ones can order a faster provision of the service and the ones who are not in a hurry can save from the price of the order.
The recruitment of only qualified personnel with the relevant education in specific area, the constant improvement of our terminological vocabulary and the use of innovative web-based instruments allows us to provide professional translations from Swedish to Bulgarian and vice versa, regardless of the complexity of content.
As you can see we have quite a solid experience in this area and you can trust us and assign your project and you will be surprised with the quality and observation of the stipulated term. So do not hesitate any longer and contact our operators who will be happy to assist you.
Цени и срокове
В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.
Translated language | Translate to | Type of order | Terms of completion | Standard translation | Specific translation |
* Цената за превод се изчислява на основание на преведения текст, а не на основание на текста-първоизточник. 1 преводаческа страница е равна на 1800 знака с шпации (по БДС) или на 1500 знака без шпации (според ЕС стандартите).
* При строго техническа, правна и специфична терминология, е възможно оскъпяване с до 50% от посочените цени.
* Посочените цени са в Български лев без ДДС.
Swedish language
Swedish is an official language in Sweden, Finland. There are not clear dialect boundaries among the Scandinavian languages, and the differences between Danish, Swedish and the literary Norwegian are so small that a little practice and patience can help to mutually understand those languages, especially in writing. In this way, in a compound company, the Scandinavians speak their own language and not the common lingua franca.
It falls into the group of the Germanic languages and it is very similar to the Norwegian and Danish but it is also the most popular Scandinavian language among foreigners - perhaps because it is spoken by a great part of the inhabitants of the whole Scandinavian Peninsula. It's grammar and vocabulary are very close to English and German ones although as far as the translations are concerned this similarity does not facilitate the work.