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- Slovak language
Slovak language
The Slovakian is known to fall into the Western Slavic group of languages but unlike many others it is quite a young language. The experienced partners of Intellect Agency provide...
Slovak language
Except for what is mentioned above the experts will assist you when making the certification before notary from and to Slovakian language by putting apostille and consular legalization.
Regardless of the complexity of the content we are going to accomplish our task professionally and within the specific periods regardless of the volume. If it's a bigger one we will assign the translation to a team of translators who are going to work on your ptoject.
Qualified personnel familiar with the specifics of the assignment is going to work for you. This will guarantee that the terminology in the content will be kept as accurate as possible.
What distinguishes us?
Except for what is mentioned above the experts will assist you when making the certification before notary from and to Slovakian language by putting apostille and consular legalization.
Regardless of the complexity of the content we are going to accomplish our task professionally and within the specific periods regardless of the volume. If it's a bigger one we will assign the translation to a team of translators who are going to work on your ptoject.
Qualified personnel familiar with the specifics of the assignment is going to work for you. This will guarantee that the terminology in the content will be kept as accurate as possible.
Цени и срокове
В Агенция за преводи Интелект работят заклети преводачи от различни преводни сфери,
чрез което гарантираме качество при превода на всеки един специализиран текст.
Translated language | Translate to | Type of order | Terms of completion | Standard translation | Specific translation |
* Цената за превод се изчислява на основание на преведения текст, а не на основание на текста-първоизточник. 1 преводаческа страница е равна на 1800 знака с шпации (по БДС) или на 1500 знака без шпации (според ЕС стандартите).
* При строго техническа, правна и специфична терминология, е възможно оскъпяване с до 50% от посочените цени.
* Посочените цени са в Български лев без ДДС.
Slovakian language
The Slovakian language is an official language in Slovakia but it can be used at almost all levels of official communication in the Czech Republic. The proximity of the Slovakian and Czech languages is a well-known fact. Their mutual understanding is different compared to the one of Italian and Neapolitan, Portuguese-Galician, Norwegian-Swedish and other similar languages.